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Choose your pricing plan

  • Accountability Club (Club Level)

    Every month
    Embark on a journey of continuous professional growth with peers who share your commitment.
    • Access to Accountability Club's Chats & Forums
    • Access to Live Club Meetings on Podia
    • Discount pricing for one training by our Academy
    • Access to 1:1 coaching (1 free coaching session)
    • Accountability Club Meeting Replays
  • Writer's Club (Club Level)

    Every month
    Have a story to tell? We're here to listen and guide. Dive into The Writer's Club.
    • Access to Writer's Club Chats & Forums
    • Access to Live Club Meetings (Podia)
    • Discount pricing for one training by our Academy
    • Access to 1:1 coaching (1 free coaching session)
    • Writer's Club Meeting Replays
  • Book/Journal Club (Club Level)

    Unravel the world of clinical literature with fellow enthusiasts. Enlist in This Club now!
    Free Plan
    • Access to Book Club's Chats & Forums
    • Access to Live Club Meetings (Podia)
    • Discount pricing for one training by our Academy
    • Access to 1:1 coaching (1 free coaching session)
    • Book Club Meeting Replays
  • Best Value

    G33ky Level

    Every month
    Ready for an all-rounded growth? Join the Squad and redefine your professional journey
    • Membership to all of the clubs including chats & forums
    • Discount pricing for all CE training by our Academy
    • Discount admission towards future retreats
    • VIP status for in person meetups
    • Access to 1:1 coaching (3 free coaching sessions)
    • Early Access to any in person events
    • Bonuses + Other Exclusive Offers
  • Consult Club (Club Level)

    Every month
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